A collection of projects and creations realized in 2023
Just a lifestyle coffee imagery
A small-town coffee company recently asked for help with their Instagram account. Their biggest challenge was photographing their product, due to the lack of variety in locations and props. We created a needed scene in Midjourney, spent some time fixing small AI glitches, and then embedded the actual 3D-rendered product.
The flavor of the coffee is much more important than the way it looks. But depicting it is a big challenge for a designer. Use AI to get inspiration.
A vending machine manufacturer asked me to create 30 images of coffee drinks in the same cup. There was no need to stick to specific recipes, just different types of fillings. We decided to use the Midjourney AI, which after two hours of fine-tuning performed exceptionally well (compared to other AIs) in terms of being appetizing and stable. About 60 images were generated, half of which were selected by the client.
Miniature and gigantic
In Eastern style
When artists Roy Lichtenstein and Patrick Nagel met for a cup of coffee.
Imagine a coffee shop that wants to highlight the exceptional quality of its croissants. 3D modeling is out of the question here, and a creative retoucher would have to spend dozens of hours on each of these images. And look how playfully an AI would handle this job.
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