There was a need for illustrations for five new vegetable soups package. The client wanted them especially digitalized, with a definite style.
Three concepts were proposed for initial composition of the illustration.
Three concepts were proposed for initial composition of the illustration.

The Whirl concept was chosen but the search continued, more or less veggies?

We chose the moderate amount. The entire composition was drawn and accepted.

At this point the client realized that they wanted to see vegetables cover the entire package,
so the composition was turned into a seamless pattern.
so the composition was turned into a seamless pattern.

This illustration satisfied everyone so four more patterns were created, for four remaining packages.

A test to see if the patterns worked seamlessly on a large scale.

The illustrations became part of beautiful package designs, and they are already
available in shops!
available in shops!

Art Direction & Graphic Design: WORKSHIP (Spain)
Strategy & Creative Direction: FRANKLIN11 (USA)
Thank you!